The Christian life is best lived in community and one of the ways this happens at Cornerstone is through Growth Groups. 

Growth Groups provide us a small number of brothers and sisters from within Cornerstone who journey with us for the year. It is the group (of around 8-12 people) where you are known, loved, and cared for. It is the place where, each week, together, you develop your understanding of the Bible, and grow in your response to it as you live it out during the week. It’s the place where you can pray with one another, support each other. With all the challenges we face in 2023, it’s another year where we need more than ever regular time in God’s Word in community with others.

Newish to Cornerstone?

Newish Connect

Are you newish to our church? Newish Connect is a group that runs continuously to welcome newcomers to our church. It is a great starting point for anyone new to Cornerstone; we'd love you to complete this five-week course before you join a Growth Group. Dig into the Bible looking at one of the five key building blocks our church is built on. It is a great way to get to know other people too. After completing five topics over five nights we'll help you with the next step in church life, including joining a Growth Group.

Meets: Thursdays from 9th February (Russley, 7.30pm)


Campus Church Growth Groups


Students gather here every week for a shared meal and Bible study. Get together, learn what it means to live for Jesus at uni, and think through relevant issues facing students. 


Meets: Tuesday 6.15pm, 12a Ilam Road. Uni terms.


  • Mixed gender: Jose Billington Tagle and TBC
  • Mixed Gender: Will Stedman and Emma Williams - AL Annika Stedman
  • Mixed group: Emlyn Hoyt and Tim Preston-Marshall - AL Grace Caughley
  • Mixed group: Ben Epton and Caitlin Billington Tagle


Students&Workers/Young Adults


Students&Workers/Young Adults 

This collection of Growth Groups is a ministry for students, both undergraduate and postgraduate, and for workers/young adults at Campus Church.

Meets: in various homes on either Tuesday or Wednesday night. School terms.


Mixed gender: ALREADY FULL - Aidan and Jordan Prior & Hezekiah Dacillo (Sockburn; 6.30-8.30; includes dinner)

Guys (combination from Campus Church and City Church): Amos Plumpton and James Bartlett (Spreydon; 7.15-8.30; no dinner)

Women: ALREADY FULL - Michelle Ling and Emma Williams (Ilam; 7.15-8.30; dinner to be discussed)




Cornerstone City Church and Fields Church Growth Groups 

Tuesday City Groups

Our Tuesday City Groups gather people from our 10 am City Church each week to share life, read the Bible, and pray. The groups meet at various homes each Tuesday night during school terms.


  • Mixed gender: Tim Nugteren and TBC (7.15 pm; Brooklands, possibly moving to Kaiapoi mid-year)
  • Mixed gender: Dan and Victoria Goodman & Elizabeth Dubin (7.15 pm; Sockburn)
  • ALREADY FULL - Mixed gender: Nathan Denmead and Emma Reeve - AL Julianne Tscherry (7.15 pm; Halswell)
  • Guys (combination of City Church and Campus Church): James Bartlett and Amos Plumpton (7.15; Spreydon)
  • Women: Mel Collier and Claire Adams - AL Katie Penniall (7.15 pm; Ilam)


Wednesday City Groups

Our Wednesday City Groups gather people from our 10 am City Church each week to share life, read the Bible, and pray. The groups meet at various homes each Wednesday night during school terms.


  • Mixed gender: Josh Schipper and Carolyn Varley (7.15 pm; Bishopdale)
  • ALREADY FULL - Mixed gender: John and Rosemary Oliver (7.15 pm; Avonhead)
  • ALREADY FULL - Guys: Chris Penniall and Nathan Adams (7.15 pm; Russley)



International Connect (ICG)

International Connect is our home away from home for overseas students or workers, from both our AM and PM congregations. 

Meets: Wednesdays at the Church Office (12a Ilam Road) starting with a shared dinner at 6.15 pm

  • Mixed gender: Ben Dobbie & Emily Demchick
  • Mixed gender: Ross and Shereena Davids & Eliza Cowey



Fields Church Groups

Our Fields Church Groups gather people from our 3 pm Fields Church each week to share life, read the Bible and pray. The groups meet on either Tuesday or Thursday.

Mixed gender: Jack Morgan and Elena Blair (7.15 pm on Tuesday evenings; Rolleston)

Fields Tuesday Women: Alex McMullan and Hannah Morgan (9.30 am; Rolleston)

Fields UniConnect: Jose Billington Tagle & Sean and Monique McShea (7.15 pm on Thursday evenings; Lincoln)



Women’s Connect 

Women's Connect is a regular Bible study group tailored especially for women. It runs every Thursday morning during school terms and has a crèche available for women with children 4 years and under. Our desire at Women's Connect is for people to grow in their understanding of the gospel through the Scriptures, and to deepen relationships with each other. 

Meets: 9.30 am Thursday, 12a Ilam Road


  • Anna Peterson and Naomi Marshall
  • Camille Harris and Christina Denmead and Caitlin Billington Tagle


Here's where you sign up for 2023: