Growth Groups 2024

Growth Groups Registration 2024

The Christian life is best lived in community and one of the ways this happens at Cornerstone is through Growth Groups. 

Growth Groups provide us a small number of brothers and sisters from within Cornerstone who journey with us for the year. It is the group (of around 8-12 people) where you are known, loved, and cared for. It is the place where, each week, together, you develop your understanding of the Bible, and grow in your response to it as you live it out during the week. It’s the place where you can pray with one another, support each other. With all the challenges we face in 2024, it’s another year where we need more than ever regular time in God’s Word in community with others.

Newish to Cornerstone?


Are you newish to our church? Newish Connect is a group that runs continuously to welcome newcomers to our church. It is a great starting point for anyone new to Cornerstone; we'd love you to complete this five-week course before you join a Growth Group. Dig into the Bible looking at one of the five key building blocks our church is built on. It is a great way to get to know other people too. After completing five topics over five nights we'll help you with the next step in church life, including joining a Growth Group.


Campus Church



Students gather here every week for a shared meal and Bible study. Get together, learn what it means to live for Jesus at uni, and think through relevant issues facing students. 


Meets 6:15pm Tuesdays, 12a Ilam Road

  • José Billington Tagle and Anna Bruce
  • Tim Preston Marshall, William & Annika Stedman
  • Emlyn Hoyt, Holly Dragovich, and Anna Duston
  • Ben & Grace Epton, and Caitlin Billington Tagle
  • Jonathan Brook, James Caughley, and Emma Williams


Campus / City Church Combined



This collection of Growth Groups focuses on young adults from two congregations - City Campus and Campus Church.

Meets 6:15pm Wednesdays at the Church Office 12a Ilam Road 

  • Peter Collier, Renzo Childs, & Rachel Childs
  • Hezekiah Dacillo, Amos Plumpton, and Emma WIlliams
  • José Billington Tagle and Alisa Pederson 


City Church

City Church - Tuesday Groups

  • Nathan Denmead & Elizabeth Dubin (7:15 pm, Sockburn)
  • Chris Hewlett, Mark Bradley (7:15 pm, Halswell)
  • Mel Collier, Claire Adams (Women's Group 7:15 pm, Ilam)


City Church - Wednesday Groups

  • Aidan and Jordan Prior (7:15pm, Riccarton) (FULL)
  • John and Rosemary Oliver (7:15pm; Avonhead) - this group requires pre-preparation each week
  • Jesse Lansdown and Naomi Marshall (7:15pm, Halswell) (FULL)
  • Chris Penniall and Nathan Adams (Guys Group 7:15 pm, Russley)

City Church - Thursday ICG

  • Ross Davids and Mailee Stanbury (7:15pm, Church Office) - with a focus on internationals

Fields Church

Fields Church Groups

  • Jack Morgan, Elena Blair, and Sean McShea (7:15 pm Tuesdays, Rolleston)
  • Alex McMullan, Hannah Morgan and Anna Peterson (Women's Group 9:30am Tuesdays, Rolleston)

Thursday Women's



A day time Growth Group for women of any age with a crèche available for children 4 years and under. 

Meets 9.30am Thursdays, 12a Ilam Road


  • Anna Peterson, Jenn Knopp, and Victoria Goodman
  • Camille Harris, Christina Denmead, and Kathryn Gibson